The Effect of War on the Level of Psychological Hardiness Among Students of the Department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Arts, Al Neelain University: A Study of the Impact of Crises on Academic Performance

Dr. Gadaa Taha Abdal Hafeez
Dr. Ehlam Hussein Elsadig Osman
Dr. Abeer Taha Abdelhafeez Mohammed


This study aims to identify the level of psychological resilience in its three dimensions (commitment, control, and challenge) among students of the Library and Information Science Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Nileen, under the influence of war according to variables such as (social status and gender). The study followed a descriptive methodology. The study was conducted on a random sample consisting of 360 male and female students, and it adopted the Psychological Resilience Questionnaire by Emad Mukhaimer (2012). The results of the study revealed a high level of psychological resilience among students of the Library and Information Science Department in its three dimensions (commitment - control - challenge) under the influence of war. The study also found statistically significant differences at the level of (0.001) in the level of psychological resilience among students in light of their social status, in favor of married students, and statistically significant differences at the level of (0.001) in the level of psychological resilience in terms of gender, in favor of females.

How to Cite

Dr. Gadaa Taha Abdal Hafeez, Dr. Ehlam Hussein Elsadig Osman, & Dr. Abeer Taha Abdelhafeez Mohammed. (2024). The Effect of War on the Level of Psychological Hardiness Among Students of the Department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Arts, Al Neelain University: A Study of the Impact of Crises on Academic Performance . EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 161–170.