What Does a Jigsaw Puzzle Tell About How Cognitive "Mechanisms" Process the World in General and Language in Particular? A Cognitive Linguistics Study

Houda Baouissidi
Darkaoui Soufi Habib


This study examines the relationship between language processing in cognitive processes and jigsaw puzzle solving techniques. The study examines the connection between both domains to learn more about the connections between language processing mechanisms and puzzle-solving techniques. The study, which makes use of a broad subject pool, combines sophisticated neuroimaging methods like eye tracking and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with conventional puzzle-solving tasks. By doing this investigation, the research hopes to learn more about the ways in which language processing mechanisms are impacted by or intersected with puzzle-solving techniques, which will further our knowledge of cognitive processes.

How to Cite

Houda Baouissidi, & Darkaoui Soufi Habib. (2024). What Does a Jigsaw Puzzle Tell About How Cognitive "Mechanisms" Process the World in General and Language in Particular? A Cognitive Linguistics Study. EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 566–577. https://doi.org/10.70082/esiculture.vi.2371