The Rasch Analysis of New Perceived Wellness Survey-Short Form for Vocational High School Students in Indonesia

Herdi Herdi, Agus Taufiq, Awaluddin Tjalla


It is vital to have a standardized measuring instrument to assess an Indonesian vocational high school student's wellness. The test can be useful for operationalizing meaning, mapping profiles, and designing and developing guidance and counseling programs to improve high school students' wellness. Given its rapid development and superior psychometric qualities, the Perceived Wellness Survey Full Length Version (PWS-FL) 36 items is a valuable assessment instrument. However, due to the vast quantity of items, participants may be hesitant to complete them. The purpose of this study is to adapt and investigate the psychometric features of the New Perceived Wellness Survey Short Form (PWS-SF) for vocational high school students in Indonesia. The reduction in the number of items is hoped to preserve the excellent psychometric features of this wellness assessment tool. A total of 829 state vocational high school students were incidentally selected study participants. Technically, the data was analyzed utilizing item response theory using the Rasch model. The findings indicate that the new PWS-SF has a 36.7% empirical raw variance explained by measures, as well as item, person, and Cronbach's alpha reliability index values of 1.00,.73, and.74. This implies that the new PWS-SF for vocational high school students has strong psychometric qualities and can provide valid, reliable, and effective wellness assessment tools in Indonesian culture. This instrument's findings can be utilized to design guidance and counseling programs aimed at improving the wellness of vocational high school students.

How to Cite

Herdi Herdi, Agus Taufiq, Awaluddin Tjalla. (2024). The Rasch Analysis of New Perceived Wellness Survey-Short Form for Vocational High School Students in Indonesia . EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 713–722.