Erich Fromm's Critical Theory
Aims:- This research aims to distinguish between Freud's ideas and Fromm's study of moral, religious and political values, and to define the term alienation and its effect on the persons within society, fromm criticized some aspects of Freud's thought by reinterpreting the ideas of classical psychoanalysis..
Curriculum: The analytical approach was adopted to adapt the curriculum to the nature of the subject, through interpretation and explanation.
Results: Fromm tried to unite societies in order to achieve hope, love, freedom, religion and morality, and sought to change moral values and renew human values.
Conclusion: -The study concluded that Erich Fromm was able through his critical theory to reconcile the mind of Freud and the mind of Marx in order to create an analytical social psychology, which saves man from commodification, frees man from dependence and control, and transforms from feudal society to capitalist society.