Twitterature: A New Digital Literary Genre
In the history of literary experimentation, the writer has evolved into a social medium for literary readings of numerous literary works that were previously only known to those with a keen interest in literature and literary genres. As a result, many well-known literary works have been succinctly summarised in front of everyone in a way that is both helpful and provides details while still remaining concise. In this essay, the researcher wants to show how Twitter has developed into a literary form, competing with other well-known literary works like novels, plays, short stories, and poetry, particularly haiku. Beginning with an introduction to Twitter literature and its definition, the study then focuses on the format in which literary tweets are provided, including the word count and length of the presentation of the literary work. Then, the literary subgenres that appeared on Twitter were criticised. The paper provides instances of literary accounts on Twitter and distinguishes the literary genres on Twitter. The study also discusses Twitter’s literary value in educating readers about a variety of literary works, particularly those who are uninterested in or uninterested in literature. Moreover, the distinction between reading literary works in their authentic forms vs their Twitter-based forms. The researcher contrasts the literary subgenres that are best suited for Twitter distribution. As a complement to the other well-known literary genres and in keeping with the varied, quick, and advanced modern day, the researcher concludes by presenting Twitter as one of the crucial literary genres of the new millennium that must be given significance and relevance. However, this study makes the case that Twitter might be. It is seen as an expression of an experimental platform for postmodern electronic literature that can ensure a revival of the steadily dwindling fantasy reading habit that is appealing to the generation of technology enthusiasts.