Cross-Cultural Analysis of Purchase Intentions for Locally Crafted Creative Products in Tourism: The Role of evolutionary Information Systems
This study examines how cultural value, store service, personalization, festive atmosphere, and product quality affect tourism and retail consumer behavior. There are 863 tourists and retailers completed structured surveys for quantitative research from Chinese Cultures. Cultural value increases consumer interest in culturally significant products and services in different regions of China. Store service and product quality increased purchase intention, demonstrating their importance in consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers prefer personalized and immersive shopping and tourism. Information systems mediated these factors' purchase intention effects, a study found. Cultural value, store service, personalization, festive atmosphere, and product quality influenced consumers' purchase intentions via digital platforms and online reviews. Digital technologies are increasingly influencing consumer choices, so businesses must prioritize digital presence and user experience. The study examined how tourist culture and experience affect consumer behavior. Tourist experience increases the impact of perceived cultural value, store service level, personalization, festive atmosphere, and product quality on purchase intention, suggesting veteran tourists are more influenced by these factors. Culture moderated the relationship between information systems and purchase intention, suggesting cultural differences affect digital platform use. This study illuminate’s tourism and retail consumer behavior complexities. Understanding perceived cultural value, store service level, personalization, festive atmosphere, product quality, and the mediating and moderating effects of information systems, tourist experience, and cultural background can help businesses attract and retain customers, drive sales, and build lasting relationships with diverse consumer segments.