Employee Performance and Communication on Perspective: Work Motivation and Compensation in Green Industry

Deden Komar Priatna
Winna Roswinna
Annisa Fitri Anggraeni


Both simultaneously and partially, this study aimed to analyze the effect of work motivation and compensation on employee performance at Supermarket XYZ in Bandung City. For this research, a combination of descriptive and verification methods was employed. The focus of the study was on the employees of Supermarket XYZ in Bandung City, with a sample size consisting of 44 individuals. In order to analyze the data, a path analysis design approach was utilized. After thoroughly examining the research findings, it has come to light that the work motivation levels at the esteemed Supermarket XYZ in Bandung City were commendable. Not only that, but the compensation provided to employees working at this establishment was also perceived as satisfactory. Moreover, it was observed that the overall performance of these diligent individuals was considered admirable. However, it is worth noting that there is room for improvement when it comes to their ability to achieve sales targets. Interestingly, when assessing the relationship between work motivation (X1), compensation (X2), and employee performance (Y), it was discovered that both work motivation and compensation have a significant influence on employee performance, both independently and collectively. In Bandung City, the performance of XYZ Supermarket employees is affected by partially dominant compensation. This research reveals that the combined influence of two independent variables, namely Work Motivation (X1) and Compensation (X2), determines Employee Performance.

How to Cite

Priatna, D. K., Roswinna, W., & Anggraeni, A. F. (2024). Employee Performance and Communication on Perspective: Work Motivation and Compensation in Green Industry . EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 428–436. https://doi.org/10.70082/esic/8.1.35