Green Energy Growth: Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability through Agrivoltaic Solutions in the Modern Era

Khairul Imtihan
Beny Harjadi
Zulzain Ilahude
Tirsa Neyatri Bandrang
Yudia Azmi
Andiyan Andiyan


Agrivoltaic is a system that integrates agricultural activities with the production of solar photovoltaic electricity on the same piece of land. Agrivoltaic systems are gaining popularity in Indonesia since they enable farmers to generate renewable energy while making efficient use of agricultural land. This research technique employs the analytical descriptive approach, which aims to offer a comprehensive description or overview of the topic of study using acquired data or samples without undertaking further analysis to draw generalizable conclusions. An instance of agrivoltaic in Indonesia involves the placement of solar panels above crops to provide shade and minimize water evaporation. Simultaneously, these solar panels generate energy to operate irrigation systems or other agricultural machinery. Nevertheless, the use of agrivoltaic in Indonesia remains restricted and need further investment and assistance from both the government and private sector to enhance the acceptance of this technology in the agricultural industry.

How to Cite

Khairul Imtihan, Beny Harjadi, Zulzain Ilahude, Tirsa Neyatri Bandrang, Yudia Azmi, Nurhayati, & Andiyan Andiyan. (2024). Green Energy Growth: Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability through Agrivoltaic Solutions in the Modern Era . EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 671–680.