Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Climate, Compensation, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Turnover Intention as an Intervening Variable

Umi Rusilowati
Sora Baltasar
Rachmat Yumandhi


This study examines the connection among employee performance and turnover intention at PT Surfgold Indonesia, a division of PT Acer Indonesia, and the organizational climate, compensation, and work motivation. Using a quantitative methodology and an associative strategy, the research surveys 102 employees. Panel data regression and the Sobel test were used to evaluate the data. The findings show that effort incentive, compensation, and structural weather all have a important impact on employee's intentions to leave, both individually and collectively. Furthermore, these elements consume a important influence on worker presentation and the intention to leave. The results emphasize that in order to lower the likelihood of employee turnover and improve performance, it is critical to establish a healthy workplace culture, offer competitive compensation, and encourage employee motivation. The education enhances to the form of information by giving managers helpful advice on how to increase productivity and retention, as well as empirical data on the significant factors influencing employee outcomes in the setting of an Indonesian technology company.

How to Cite

Umi Rusilowati, Sora Baltasar, & Rachmat Yumandhi. (2024). Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Climate, Compensation, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Turnover Intention as an Intervening Variable . EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 623–642.