Vol. 8.1, S2 2024


Entrepreneurship Culture in Administration and Law Students: A Transdisciplinary Exploration

Álex Dueñas Peña, Karen Núñez-Valdés, Diana Mireya Cuéllar Sánchez

Scientific Production on Entrepreneurial Skills in Young Students: Bibliometric Analysis

Diana Mireya Cuéllar-Sánchez, Alex Dueñas-Peña, Karen Núñez-Valdés

Academic Spin-offs through the Lens of Pragmatism and Mixed Methods

Alexander Romero-Sánchez, Geovanny Perdomo-Charry, Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo

Analyzing the Role of Educational Discourse in Achieving Sustainable Development: Quality Education as an Example

Abdullah H Alfauzan, Ibrahim Abdelaziz Ibrahim Zeid

Constraining Factors to Rural Women's Empowerment: A Perspective from the Specialized Literature

Abd Leidy Viviana Guauque Acero, William Orlando Alvarez Araque, Hilda Lucia Jiménez Orozco

Cultural Evolution of Finance: A Study on Monetary Incentives and Financial Innovation

Gissela Karina Meza Rivadeneira, José Luis Rivera Velasco, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Heshan Sameera Kankanam Pathiranage, Diego Alexander Haro Ávalos

Digital Teaching Competence and Foreign Language Learning in Students of a National University in Lima

Betty Marlene Lavado Rojas, Dr. Walter Pomahuacre Gómez, Magnolia Anyeli Castro Fernández, Edith Consuelo Zárate Aliaga, Magaly López Torres

Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions

Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio, Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres

Educational Programs to Promote Social Entrepreneurship: Development of Human and Community Skills in Real Environments

Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi, Néstor Vicente Mendoza Ledesma, María Luz Gonzales Díaz, Fabian Alveiro Contreras Medina

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Civil Legislation: A Comparative Study Between French Civil Law and Iraqi Civil Law

Fatima Abdul Rahim Ali Al-Musallamawi, Mona Muhammad Kazem Abbas Al-Dulaimi

Strategic Thinking: A Resource to Generate Value and Cross the Valley of Death of SMEs

Galvarino Casanueva-Yánez, Jorge Torres-Vásquez, Mitzi Linares-Vizcarra, Milena Lukich-Valdivia, Evelyn Montero-Zuñiga, Reina Pérez-Vargas, Claudia Torres-Calvimonte, Raúl Rengifo-Lozano

Blood Groups and their Correlation with Physical Traits Affecting 100-Meter Performance

Zahraa Saad Azzawi, Harith Abdelelah Alshukri, Hayder N. Jawoosh, Abdul Amir H. Kahum, Ruqaya Jameel Saad

"I Take Care of Myself" Program for Self-Care in Schoolchildren of an Educational Institution in Huánuco - Peru

Juvita Dina Soto Hilario, Bethsy Diana Huapalla Céspedes, Florian Gualberto Fabian Flores, Marina Ivercia LLanos de Tarazona, Javier Francisco Casimiro Urcos

Learning Experiences and the Development of Critical Thinking in Students of Early Childhood Education at Public Universities – 2023

Consuelo Nora Casimiro Urcos, Walther Hernán Casimiro Urcos, Donatila Tobalino López, Lourdes Basilia Pareja Pérez, Elizabeth Mercedes Vegas Palomino, Enaidy Reinosa Navarro

Neurosciences and Emotional States of Latin American University Professors in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Stage

Walther Hernán Casimiro Urcos, David Ocampo Eyzaguirre, Julie Marilú Salazar Musayón, Enaidy Reynosa Navarro, Javier Francisco Casimiro Urcos, Consuelo Nora Casimiro Urcos

The Impact of Learning Strategies on Psychological Well-being and Academic Performance among University Students: A Case Study at Hanoi Metropolitan University, Vietnam

Phan Trung Kien, Mai Quoc Khanh, Tran Trung Tinh

Physical-Recreational Activities in Basic Education Students: A Systematic Review

Helen Priscilla Salvatierra Mendieta, Gina Karina Tumbaco Villamar, Andrea Sinche-Guzmán, Denisse Maricela Salcedo Aparicio, Robby Oliver Gutiérrez Gonzales, Guiceli Codina Patiño García, Carlos Alberto Cherre Antón

Unlocking Success: Exploring the Link between Perceived Learning, Academic Engagement, and Performance in Chat GPT among EFL Students at Qassim University

Bashar Ragheb Hasan Odeh

The Relationship Between Language Functioning and Cognitive Decline in Elderly Individuals with Disabilities

Walaa Badawy Mohamed Badawy

Speech of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York: A Study in the Analysis of Discourse Strategies

Ahmed Mohamed Abdelrahman Hassanien, Abdullah H Alfauzan

Teacher Training: (Dis)encounter between Theory and Practice

Gerardo I. Sánchez, Ximena E. Jara, Fernando A. Verdugo

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Impact and Legal Implications

Dr. Shemseddine Ethani Barnat, Nesreen Madah Aburaya, Sarah Madi Alhajri, Shireen Banu

Evaluating the Efficiency of Spatial Distribution of ATM Machines in Abha City using Geographical Information Systems

Sherif Abdel Salam Sherif, Mena Elassal, Fadhl Al Maayn

Analysis of Developments in Plant Production in the Governorates of the Asir Region, Saudi Arabia

Saad Jubran Al kahtani, Fadhl Al Maayn, Mena Elassal, Sherif Abdel Salam Sherif

Geographical Evaluation of Real Estate Services Offices in the City of Abha - Saudi Arabia, A Geographical Study using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Sherif Abdel Salam Sherif, Mena Elassal, Fadhl Al Maayn

Analysis of Critical and Positivist Accounting Theory in Latin America

Oscar Lenin Chicaiza Sanchez, Galo Hernán García Tamayo, Rolando Patricio Molina Diaz, Sylvia Elizabeth Zarate Fonseca, Maria Fernanda Larco Pachacama, Daniela Lizbeth Palacios Barahona, Gorozabel Basantes Evelin Melissa

Application of Advanced Statistical Techniques to Improve the Prediction of Student Performance in Mathematics

Nancy Elizabeth Chariguamán Maurisaca, Fernando Ysmael Cenas Chacón, Ximena Paz Martínez Oportus, Moises Chuquimango Chilon

Corruption in Public Administration: Evaluation of its Impact on Government Efficiency

Gilberto Carrión-Barco, Rafael Damián Villón-Prieto, Edgar Mitchel Lau-Hoyos, Luis Roger Ruben Zapatel-Arriaga, Ricardo Chanamé-Chira, Denny John Fuentes-Adrianzén

Dental Anxiety Amongst Pregnant Women: Relationship with Dental Attendance and Sociodemographic Factors

Mohammed Abdullah Saeed Alghamdi, Abdullah Hussain Abdullah Al Rashah, Abdullah Saleh Ahmad Alghamdi, Mohammed Abdullah Jamaan Alghamdi, Mansour Dhaifallah Ali Alghamdi, Abdullah Ali Mehedi Al Mansour, Mohammed Abdullah Harbi Alshawi, bdulrahman Hezam Abdulrahman Albahli, Ahmad Nasser Abdullah Alyami

Enhancing Emergency Response: The Role of Collective Competence in Epidemiological Teams for Effective Laboratory Data Collection and Analysis

Nuha Alghamdi, Mohra Alshedukhi, Bashayr Abudahsh, Wafa Hamad Alshedoukhi, Mohammed Saad Alghamdi, Hamda Saad Alotaibi, Faraj Moedh M Alamer, Faleh Ali Al-Qahtani, Fatima Mohammed Al Shamri

The Effectiveness of STEM Approach on Development of Decision Making and Metacognitive Thinking

Hesham Shanaa, Mosab Aboushi

Effect of Hot Seat Strategy on Eighth Graders’ Achievement in Wave Motion and Sound Unit in Qalqilya City

Maysoun Abulebda

Organizational Action Style Focused on the Performance of the Quintana Roo Employee Based on the Work Behavior Clinic

Blanca Verónica Moreno García

Adaptation and Promotion of in Vitro Growth by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa GU270941.1 A in the Presence of Cadmium

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

Correlational Analysis of Ibuprofen Behavior in Constructed Wetlands Planted with Ornamental Plants

Luis Carlos Sandoval Herazo, Boris A. Medina-Salgado, Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz

Growth Behaviours of Two Rhizospheric Bacterial Strains in the Presence of Different Cadmium Concentrations and Temperatures

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

The Educational Digital Ecosystem: A MICMAC Decomposition of the Reciprocal Influences Between Technological Platforms and Evaluation Methods

Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez, Raúl José Martelo Gómez, David Antonio Franco Borré

Identifying Emotional Patterns in Young Musicians and Their Impact on Music Performance

Dr. Rinki Mishra, Bhavuk Samrat, Abishek Israel, Ameya Ambulkar, Arpit Arora, Ramachandran Thulasiram, Tusha

Comprehensive Evaluation of Imagination's Impact on Psychological Strength in Sports Education

Nitish Vashisht, Dr. Nikita Shukla, Dr. Sadaf Hashmi, Guntaj J, Sunil Kumar M, Anvesha Garg, Dr. Shanthanu Chakravarthy

Investigating Teacher Perspectives on Imagination and Visualization in Early Childhood Education

Dr. Meeramani N, Librarian, Amit Kansal, Dr. Jayaprakash Lamoria, Hitesh Kalra, Dr. Angad Tiwary, Ameya Ambulkar, Lokesh Verma

Exploring the Impact of Event Organization on Visitor Satisfaction at Theatre Festivals

Dr. Shoaib Mohammed, Megha Jagga, Solomon Jebaraj, Saumya Goyal, Dr. Anil Sharma, Gunveen Ahluwalia, Sudeshna Sarkar

An Extensive Assessment of Factors Driving Theatre Audience Loyalty and Engagement

Ranjan Kumar, Prem Colaco, Girish Kalele, Naveen Kumar Rajendran, Shitij Goyal, Axita Thakkar, Lalit Khanna

Investigating the Benefits of Imaginative Teaching Practices in Enhancing Educational Quality

Mohan Garg, Dr. Nikita Shukla, Dr. Kajal Chheda, Sanjay Bhatnagar, Nagraj Patil, Anvesha Garg, Dr. Bijal Zaveri

Exploring the Relationship between Music Learning and Student Educational Performance

Abhiraj Malhotra, Sujai Selvarajan, Udita Goyal, Amita Garg, Madhur Grover, Dr. Pompi das Sengupta, Dr. Shoaib Mohammed

Analysing the Correlation between Social Media Marketing and Consumer Purchase Behaviour

Dr. Sadaf Hashmi, Amanveer Singh, Beemkumar Nagappan, Saumya Goyal, Dr. Dhruvin Chauhan, Deepak Minhas, Dr. Sweta Kumari

In-Depth Research on the Behavioral Impact of Violence-Oriented Cartoons among Children

Dr. Sonia Riyat, Hemal Thakker, Aseem Aneja, Adarsha Harinaiha, Shobhit Goyal, Dr. Yashesh Zaveri, Abhinav Mishra

Evaluating the Key Elements Contributing to Visitor Contentment at Cultural Festivals

Shikhar Gupta, Dr. Amit Kumar, Ameya Ambulkar, Danish Kundra, Kuthalingam venkadeshwaran, Shubhi Goyal, Dr. Shanthanu Chakravarthy

Investigating the Impact of Film Quality and Viewing Environment on Viewer Satisfaction

Dr. Aashka Thakkar, Prateek Garg, Mukul Pandey, Dr. Anand Kopare, Abhinav Rathour, Raja Praveen K N, Tusha

Investigating the Effectiveness of Cultural Change in Improving Financial Sector Performance

Samaksh Goyal, Dr. Aashka Thakkar, Lovish Dhingra, Richa Garg, Prem Colaco, Anchal Gupta, Mamatha G N

Assessing the Influence of Community Involvement on Perceptions of Cultural Heritage Tourism Development

Hemal Thakker, Ravi Kumar, Ezhilarasan Ganesan, Shivangi Gupta, Amita Garg, Abhishek Singla, Atul Kumari Pathak

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Transforming Organizational Culture Dynamics

Samaksh Goyal, Dr. Rinki Mishra, Sudhanshu Dev, Abhishek Upadhyay, Dr. Vinima Gambhir, Ashish Verma, Ezhilarasan Ganesan

Extensive Analysis of Viewer Engagement with Ethnic Minority Representations in Animation

K. Suneetha, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr. Dhruvin Chauhan, Amritpal Sidhu, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sinha, Dr. Shoaib Mohammed, Bhanu Juneja

Analyzing the Efficacy of Digital Tools in Enhancing Imaginative Writing Abilities

Aparna Havaldar, Lakshya Swarup, Dr. Rama Singh, Dr. Shoaib Mohammed, Ish Kapila, Raghavendra Prasad H D, Diksha Aggarwal

Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Perspectives and their Influence on Organizational Culture

Manvinder Brar, M N Nachappa, Udita Goyal, Dr. Shanthanu Chakravarthy, Harsimrat Kandhari, Sudeshna Sarkar, Hemal Thakker

Evaluating the Role of Organizational and Marketing Innovations in Firm Performance

Dr. Jayaprakash Lamoria, Ashu Katyal, Dr. Jasbir Singh Dhanjal, Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Praney Madan, Manjunath Channappagoudra, Tusha

In-Depth Assessment of the Influence of Leadership Styles on Team Performance through the Lens of Wisdom Leadership

Samaksh Goyal, Dr. Purvi Derashri, Gourav Sood, Dr. Urvashi Thakur, Dr. Anand Kopare, Rajeev Sharma, Aravindan Munusamy Kalidhas

Structural Analysis for Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Strategies on Public Trust

Honganur Raju Manjunath, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr. Tejal Shah, Mohit Gupta, Dr. Praveen Kumar Thakur, Dr. Poonam Singh, Sahil Khurana

Examining the Influence of Digital Media Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intentions

Nishant Bhardwaj, Dr. Hannah Jessie Rani R, Prakhar Goyal, Dr. Hiren Harsora, Mithhil Arora, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Varsha Agarwal

Analyzing the Impact of Teachers' Technological Skills on Their Teaching Skills in Music Education

Dr. Sadaf Hashmi, Sakshi Sobti, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa, Shivangi Gupta, Dr. Hiren Harsora, Divya Sharma, Dr. Pompi das Sengupta

Exploring the Development of Creative Imagination across Different School Grades

Dr. Bijal Zaveri, Paramjit Baxi, Dr. Praveen Kumar Thakur, Ameya Ambulkar, Raman Verma, Raghu N, Diksha Aggarwal

Analysing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Supply Chain Outcomes: Structural Model Analysis

Dinesh Goyal, Dr. Yashesh Zaveri, Varun Ojha, Dr. Urvashi Thakur, Kajal Chheda, Tannmay Gupta, Pushparajesh V

Examining the Evolution of Digital Innovation and Its Impact on Organizational Growth

Vinay Kumar Sadolalu Boregowda, Amit Kansal, Axita Thakkar, Manish Nagpal, Dr. Amit Kumar Shrivastav, Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Sachin Mittal

Investigating the Role of Leadership Styles on Organizational Culture and Innovation

Jiya Wadhwa, Dr. Varalakshmi S, Megha Jagga, Dr. Bijal Shah, Saumya Goyal, Dr. Vinima Gambhir, Gunveen Ahluwalia

Exploring the Relationship between Tourist Expenditures and Cultural Heritage Site Visits

Ayaan Faiz, Dr. Smita Mishra, Dr. Roopa Traisa, Pancham Cajla, Axita Thakkar, Shobhit Goyal, Hemal Thakker

Impact of Digital Evolution on Customer Relationship Strategies in the Banking Sector

Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Avni Garg, Simar Olakh, Dr. Lakshman K, Prabhat Sharma, Dr. Dhruvin Chauhan, Shubhi Goyal

Assessing the Impact of Cultural Differences on Educational Technology Acceptance

Tusha, Prem Colaco, Ashu Katyal, Dr. Ashish Gupta, Dr. Anita Walia, Praney Madan, Dr. Jayaprakash Lamoria

Assessment of the Relationship between Cultural Product Features and Tourist Perceptions

Dr. Bharat Patil, Samaksh Goyal, Dr. Anand Kopare, Gourav Sood, Dr. Smita Mishra, Yashoda L, Rajeev Sharma

Measuring the Influence of National Cultural Values on Organizational Trust and Behavior

Sahil Khurana, Dr. Anil Sharma, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr. Poonam Singh, Mohit Gupta, Dr. Garima Srivastava, Babitha B.S

The Role of Film-Based Learning Projects in Enhancing Communication Proficiency

Dr. Umakanth S, Nishant Bhardwaj, Amita Garg, Prakhar Goyal, Sadaf Hashmi, Mithhil Arora, Dr. Sarita Joshi

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Marketing Culture Dimensions on Restaurant Performance

Ashish Gupta, Sunitha B K, Sakshi Sobti, Dr. Bijal Zaveri, Shivangi Gupta, Dr. Shoaib Mohammed, Divya Sharma

Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development

Lalit Khanna, Dr. Aditya Yadav, Krishna Reddy B N, Girish Kalele, Dr. Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal, Ameya Ambulkar

Exploring Innovative Approaches to Managing Cultural Heritage for Economic Benefit

Dr. Kajal Chheda, Mohan Garg, Monika, Anila Bajpai, Sanjay Bhatnagar, Vidhya Lakshmi, Anvesha Garg

Enhancing Educational Experiences in Museums through Ethnic Cultural Exhibitions

Vibhor Mahajan, Kuthalingam venkadeshwaran, Udita Goyal, Dr. Bijal Shah, Bharat Bhushan, Usha Kiran barla, Dr. Poonam Singh

Evaluating the Role of Psychological Factors in Enhancing Film Production Imagination

Dr. Rahul Amin, Dr. Sadaf Hashmi, Anchal Gupta, Mamatha G N, Shobhit Goyal, Dr. Dhruvin Chauhan, Jagtej Singh

The Impact of Gender Perceptions on Attitudes towards Violence and Equality

Hemal Thakker, Deepak Bhanot, Dr. Varalakshmi S, Shivangi Gupta, Amita Garg, Romil Jain, Dr. Raj Kumari Ghosh

Investigating the Connection Among Quality Management Effectiveness and Organizational Culture

Dr. Praveen Kumar Thakur, Dr. Vinima Gambhir, Dukhbhanjan Singh, Sudhakar Reddy, Shitij Goyal, Dr. Sushmita Singh, Prateek Aggarwal

The Role of Drama Participation in the Development of Creative Imagination Capabilities

Dinesh Goyal, Dr. Anil Sharma, Kanika Seth, Dr. Rama Singh, Prem Colaco, Lakshay Bareja, Dr. Sagar Gulati

Evolution of Immersive Technologies and Their Impact on Visitor Engagement in Cultural Heritage Sites

Avni Garg, Dr. Jasbir Singh Dhanjal, Dr. Kajal Chheda, Prabhat Sharma, Arunkumar Devalapura Thimmappa, Shubhi Goyal, Amita Garg

Measuring the Impact of Technological Evolutions on Fine Arts Competence Development

Sunil MP, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr. Yashesh Zaveri, Jagmeet Sohal, Anup Kumar Singh, Dr. Poonam Singh, Sunila Choudhary

Enhancing the Realisation of Pattern Parametrisation and Assessing Behavioural Intention to Adopt It

Jo Conlon, Hailah Al Houf, Simeon Gill, Steve Hayes

Forgiveness, Moral Disengagement, and Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Young Social Activists in Hong Kong

Lai Chu Annis, Fung

Enjoyment, as an Instrument for Academic Quality Management, in the Peruvian Higher University Education

Deyna Lozano, Marisol Rojas, Vilma Puma, Edwin Huayhua, Raúl Ito, Rolando Jara, J. Luzmila Benique, Freddy Copari, Milton Quispe, José Pineda

Development of self-efficacy in high school students through soil analysis in the protected natural area "Estero El Soldado"

Ana Lucía Colunga Olea, Flor Madalitza Vázquez Paz, Erika Jazmín Pérez López

Sustainability in the Professional Practice of an Engineer

Elena Gabriela Cabral Velázquez, José Luis Castro González, Luis Alberto Mejía-Manzano

The Influence of Tuition Fees, The Effectiveness of the Educational and Administrative Staff, and the Aspiration for High-Level Universities in the Future on the Choice of Private Schools in Saudi Arabia: The Moderating Effect of Accreditation Standards

Mesfer Ahmed Mesfer Alwadai

The Fourth Educational Revolution and the Impact of AI on Pedagogy

Victor Solorzano, René Faruk Garzozi-Pincay, Tania Monserrath Calle García, María Dolores Lainez-Villao, Johanna Lilibeth Alcivar-Ponce, Yuri Amaya Guandinango-Vinueza, Viviana Priscila Neira-Quinteros

Application of MICMAC and Regnier’s Abacus Techniques to Assess the Association between High Sugar Diet and the Prevalence of Dental Caries in Young Adults

Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez, Raúl José Martelo Gómez, David Antonio Franco Borré

The Sustainability of the Therapeutic Cannabis Sector in Colombia

Álvaro Enrique Santamaría Escobar, Aylin Patricia Pertuz Martínez, John Arturo Buelvas Parra

In Vitro Embryo Production: Overview

Vladimir Rodríguez, Oswaldo Amangandi Sinchipa, Franklin Antonio Román Cárdenas, Kristina Velarde Escobar

Competitiveness in Sustainable Gastronomic Tourism: Integration of Environmental Practices in Latin American Destinations

Roger Badin Paredes Guerrero, Noemi Emperatriz Cayo-Velásquez, Gladys Marleny Auquitias-Condori, Alma R. Bojórquez-Vargas

The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Comparability, Quality, and Efficiency of Financial Reporting in Public Administration and Emerging Markets

Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Diana Marcela Figueroa Fonseca, Williams Arturo Martinez

Evaluation of the Ixodicidal Effect of Neem Essential Oil (Azadirachta Indica) in Domestic Dogs Infested by Ticks (Rhipicephalus Sanguineus) in the Veterinary Clinic Castim from the City of Arenillas Province El Oro

Cynthia Ramos, Marcos Castillo, Lorena Vayas, Adrián Monteros

Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Challenges in Latin American Education

Roberto Bernardo Usca Veloz, Wilian Alberto Yánez Arteaga, Edwin Olmedo Chávez Gavilánez, José Luis Vásconez Salazar

Assessing the Impact of Visual Arts Teaching on Critical Thinking and Behavior Regulation

Dinesh Goyal, Tushar Pradhan, Sourav Rampal, Dr. Angad Tiwary, Dr. Anand Kopare, Divya Sharma, Beemkumar Nagappan

Transformative Impacts of Technological Advancements in English Language Teaching: A Comprehensive Analysis within the TESOL Context in Duhok City, Iraq

Saad Ibrahim Taha Al-Zeebaree, Sherwan Taha Ameen

Political Discourse in Arabic Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Samah Ahmad Jameil, Shymaa Fouad AliAkbar, Sanae Tuama Oudah

The Events of The December Revolution in Romania: Its Causes and Days

Tuqa Alawi Gaffer, Yousif Taha Hussein Al-Quraishi

Transformative Impacts of Technological Advancements in English Language Teaching: A Comprehensive Analysis within the TESOL Context in Duhok City, Iraq

Saad Ibrahim Taha Al-Zeebaree, Sherwan Taha Ameen

Rehabilitation of Functional Dysphonia Using Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SVOTE)

Marinela Álvarez Borrero, Katia Zambrano Ruíz, Jhon Jairo Feria Díaz

Urban Traffic Identification by Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms

Boris A. Medina Salgado, Jhon Jairo Feria Diaz, Sandra Rojas Sevilla

The Legal Approach to Investor Liability Conditions for Damage to Third Parties on the Ground within National Scope in the UAE Civil Aviation Law No. 20 of 1991 and the Saudi Civil Aviation Law No. 44 of 1426 AH: A Comparative Study

Aser Mohamed Abou Deif

Basic Motor Skills in Learning Mini-Athletics in Children 4-6 Years of Age from Zone 1 of Ecuador

Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres, Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Esmeralda Giovanna Zapata Mocha, Castro Pantoja Edison Andrés

Relevance of Religious Court Decisions on Marriage to National Development Policy Directions: A Legal and Social Analysis

Ahmad Muhamad Mustain Nasoha, Adi Sulistiyono, Mudhofir, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya

The Effect of 8 Weeks of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Training on Pain, Electromyography Activity of Lumbar Muscles, and Quality of Life in People with Chronic Low Back Pain

Ahmed Mohammed Kadhim ALzuwaini, Reza Mahdavinejad

Social Development Perspective in Child Custody Law Enforcement: A Comparative Study of Legal Systems and Their Implications in Developing and Developed Countries

Ahmad Muhamad Mustain Nasoha, Adi Sulistyono, Mudhofir, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Tax Avoidance with the Moderating Role of Corporate Governance

Murtadha Mohammed Shani, Hossein Fakhari

Validation of a Questionnaire for Emotional Leadership in Educational Center Managers

Evelyn Pizarro Fuentes, Fernando Díez Ruiz, Aurelio Villa Sánchez

Background and Effects of Creative Accounting Practices in the Health Sector in Latin America During the Pandemic Era

Ramírez Casco, Andrea del Pilar, Castelo Salazar, Ángel Gerardo, Santillán Villagómez, Emilio Fernando, Armas Heredia, Isabel Regina, Razo Ascázubi, Clara de las Mercedes, Ramírez Garrido, Raúl German

Inclusive Policies and the Permanence of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education 2024

Aida Terranova-Barrezueta, Nadia Soria-Miranda, Lorena Bodero-Arizaga, Efrén Viteri-Chiriboga

The Effect of Educational Exercises According to the Stages of Building a Motor Program on Learning Some Epee Skills for Students

Hamid Abdul Shaheed Hadi, Zaid Sami Yasser, Abbas Idrees Noor

Correlation of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (Nec) on Radiology Examination of Plain Abdomen Photo and Ultrasonography (USG)

Syarifuddin Lubis, Harry Galuh Nugraha

The Role of Gamification in Teacher Training for Educational Inclusion

Mayra Tatiana Acosta Yela, Roxana Maribel Manrique Toro, José Rodríguez Triviño, Efrén Alejandro Viteri Chiriboga

The Methodology of Sociological Criticism in Iraq

Huda Amer Ali, Thanaa Mohamed Saleh

Animal and Plant Wealth and its Impact on the Economy of Mesopotamia

Samar Abbas Abdul Kareem

Impact of the SENA Rural Entrepreneurship Training Program on the Development of Productive Units during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Colombia

Martha Cecilia Jiménez Martínez, William Orlando Alvarez Araque, Carmen Angélica Fonseca Corso

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Quality Management in SMEs: Benefits and Challenges

Miguel Giancarlo Ormaza Cevallos, Gustavo Alberto Lozano Jaramillo, José Luis Bernardo Vélez, Maritza Irinuska Ureta Zambrano, Lady Diana Zambrano Montesdeoca, Manuel Augusto Bermúdez Palomeque

Institutional Framework and Innovative Entrepreneurship: An Analysis of their Impact on Business Development in Colombia

Flor Marlén Ávila Guerrero, Liyis Gómez Nuñez

Leadership in the Employees of a Public Institution, Cajamarca

Suárez Peña, Willam, Villón Prieto, Rafael Damián, Llontop Arista, Yesica, Llanos Vásquez, Alexandra de Nazareth, Gonzáles Imán, Lina Ariadne

Methodological Validation of the Cooperative Social Responsibility Measurement Instrument

Galarza Torres, Sandra Patricia, Fernández Lorenzo, Angie, Carrillo Punina, Alvaro Patricio, Raura Ruiz Jorge Geovanny, Armijos Robles Lorenzo Adalid, Tipán Tapia Luis Alfredo, Benavides Ortiz Germán Gustavo

The Impact of Sustainable Tourism on the Economic and Social Development of Rural Destinations: A Case Study in Ecuador

Jessica Vargas, Marlene Coronel, Francisco Mena, Rafael Carrera

Technological Surveillance Study on the Development of Beekeeping Technologies

Yaneth Patricia Romero Alvarez, Mario Frank Pérez Pérez, William Niebles

The In-Vitro Activity of Manuka Honey and Indian Costus (Saussurea Costus) on the Growth of Bacteria that Cause Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Mamdouh Bukhari, Talib Banassir, Edhah Alsaeeda, Ayman Tayeb, Adel Almoolem, Areej Gammash, Rahmah Madkhali, Moaaz Alshareef, Walaa Mrieny, Mohammed Kurdi

Constraining Factors for the Empowerment of Rural Women and their Impact on Entrepreneurship Development

Leidy Viviana Guauque Acero, Hilda Lucia Jiménez Orozco, Flor Marlén Ávila Guerrero

Recent Trends in Combating Sexual Harassment in Comparative Criminal Legislations

Mayada Moustafa El-Mahrouki

The Impact of Virtual Reality Applications on Employee Training

Ghada M Oraif

Meta-Analysis of Physical Education Didactics

José Ramón Sanabria Navarro, Yahilina Silveira Pérez, William Alejandro Niebles Núñez

Technological Change and Sustainability: A Patent Analysis of a Human Muscle Energy Generation System

Mario Frank Pérez Pérez, Yaneth Patricia Romero Alvarez, William Niebles

Efficiency of Rhizospheric Bacteria in the Production of Ammonium in the Presence of Arsenic

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

Factors that Influence the Probability of Being an Entrepreneur among the Young Population of the City of Ibagué

Roberto Adolfo Díaz Díaz, Juan Fernando Reinoso Lastra, José Alejandro Vera Calderón

Imaginaries of the Cultural Impact of GPT Usage in Pedagogical Practice

Jaime Duván Reyes Roncancio, Edier Hernán Bustos Velazco, Oscar Jardey Suarez

Soluble Phosphate Production by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in the Presence of Cadmium

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

Trade as a Determinant in Business Cycle Synchronization: The Case of Ecuador

Igor E. Díaz-Kovalenko, José L. Torres

The Quota System and Its Impact on the Political Participation of Iraqi Women after 2005

Dima Kamel Abdul Amir, A.P.D Montaser Hussein Jawad

Action Research in the Cultivation of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) using the Phytoremediation Technique

Luis Rolando Murga Paulino, Guillermo Gamarra Astuhuaman, Jorge Berrospi Feliciano, Miguel Ángel Ventura Janampa, Maruja Antonia Porras Rojas

Butterfly Effect on Preservıng Afrıcan Culture: Actıvıtıes at the Afrıcan Culture House and Handıcraft Market and the Touch of a Fırst Lady in Cultural Dıplomacy

Esra Tüylüoğlu

Analysis and Evolution of Mental Health Public Policies in Ecuador: A State of the Art

Carolina García, María Cristina Valencia

Analysis of the Perception of Ecclesial Evangelizing Action in Manabí: An Educational Approach for a Synodal Church

María Margoth Bonilla Jiménez, Castillo Gaona Santos Daniel, José Luis Cagigal García, María Magdalena Zamoran Loor

The Portable Laboratory in Learning Chemistry

Elena Urquizo -Cruz, Carmen Varguillas, Narcisa Sanchez -Salcán, Carmen Viviana Basantes Vaca

Characterization of the Economic Cycle in Ecuador 1965-2020

Diaz-Kovalenko, Igor E, Torres, José L.

Depin for Internet of Things Scalability in Smart Societies Using Blockchain Technology

Ricardo Carreño Aguilera, Miguel Patiño Ortiz, Julián Patiño Ortiz, Miguel Ángel Martínez Cruz

Exploring Educational Horizons: An Analysis of Interdisciplinary Competencies in Education Today

Adriana Sandoval Espitia, María Teresa Rincón Cabrera, Flor María Sandoval Espitia

Improper Omission as an Amplifier Device of the Criminal Statue in Colombia

Armando Noriega Ruiz, José Luis Robles Tolosa, Elina Marcela Meriño Ortega, Andrés Felipe Soto Barrios

Navigating Uncertainty: Agility, Data, and Sustainability as Drivers of Business Resilience

Carlos Arturo Hoyos-Vallejo

Improvements to Educational Inclusion to Achieve an Equitable University Space

Abraham Clemente Varas Santafé, Diana Carolina Ortiz-Delgado, Walter Victoriano Loor Briones, Marylin Figueroa Cruz

Productive Capacity of the Department of Quindío within the Framework of Sustainability

Lorena Villegas Muñoz, Cindey Bermudez Agudelo, Andrés Felipe Aristizábal Toro

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence into the Design of Immersive Learning Environments

Gabriel Cristóbal Castro Ramirez, Félix Fernando Tóala Barahona, Maritza Elizabeth Quiroz Vinces, Alfonso José Collantes Zavala, Aldo Bismarck Vásquez Arauz, Leonardo Fabricio Chica Chica, Jorge Guillermo Cedeño Meza

The Principle of Opportunity as a Mechanism for Extinguishing the Exercise of Public Criminal Action

Luis Andrés Chimborazo Castillo, Karina Dayana Cardenas Paredes

The Role of Governance of Digital Transformation on Improving Small Enterprises’ Performance in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Nahla Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Makki, Dr.Amina Mohammed Solyman Hussein

Techniques of Shakili Art and Their Impact on Building the Poetic Scene Among the Poets of the State of Bani Al-Ahmar

Bayadaa Jaber Ghali, Dr. Hussain Majid Rostom Al-Hosuna

Challenges in Implementing Academic Accreditation in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

Mesfer Ahmed Mesfer Alwadai

The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Destination Choice Among Millennial Travelers in Jordan

Alaa A Alrefai, Shida Irwana Omar, Irhanida Abdul Kadir, Nevin Youssef Kalbouneh, Ahmad Y. A. Bani Ahmad

The Levels of Acquiring Caring Principles for Students with Disabilities among Islamic Educational Teachers from the School Principals’ Perspectives

Thabet Bin Saeed Al-Kahlan

Using Artificial Intelligence Applications to Improve Administrative Performance in Public Education Schools

Dr. Gihan Abdelaziz Ragab Abdelaziz, Dr. Ahmed Farid Abdelshafy

The Additional Impact on Victims during the Judicial Process of Sexual Violence Cases in the Context of the Internal Armed Conflict in Colombia

Harold Ardila Zapata, Nadín Madera Arias, Héctor Urzola Berrío, Claudia Pachón Flórez, Julio Álvarez Month

Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship in Intersection with Technology 4.0: A Bibliometric Análisis

William Alejandro Niebles Núñez, Yaneth Patricia Romero Alvarez, Digna Pérez Bravo

Indole-3-Acetic Acid Production by Pseudomonas Fluorescens LC830621.1 under High Temperature Conditions

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

Predictive Scenario for the Behaviours of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in the Face of Global Warming

Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara, Yelitza Aguas Mendoza

Economic Viability of Using Artificial Wetlands in Rural Areas of Mexico

Ismael Sandoval-Assia, Boris A. Medina-Salgado, Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz

Analysis of Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soil from Sucre (Colombia) Area Mixed with Sawdust Fiber Treated in Alkaline Condition

Carlos J. Medina-Martínez, Boris A. Medina-Salgado, Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz

The Folk Music of the Caribbean Coast in Teaching the Relationships between the Sides of a Right Triangle

Wilson Gordillo Thiriat, Edilberto Sarmiento Sarmiento, Jhonier Sebastian Rangel Gutierrez

Effect of Sawdust Powder on the Geotechnical Properties of a Clayey

Carlos J. Medina-Martínez, Boris A. Medina-Salgado, Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz

Learning Objects with Augmented Reality for Primary Level Students in Educational Institutions

Elmer Muguerza Prieto, Ana Belén Estada Guanilo, Axel Cruzado Alegre, Ariana Calderón Rosales, Mirko Martín Manrique Ronceros, Carlos Alfredo Gil Narváez, Wilder Leonardo Valverde Alva

Ethical Implications and Interpersonal Dynamics of AI-Driven Communication Strategies in Small Enterprises: An Exploratory Study in Colombia

Hernán Javier Guzmán Murillo, Jose Marcelo Torres Ortega, Yenny Xiomara Marquez Carrascal

Contrasting the Immediate Impacts of Traditional Tools and Modern Digitalised Systems in Overcoming Speaking Anxiety in Foreign Language

Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety: Leveraging Virtual Language Communities and Social Media Interactions for Improved Fluency

Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

Impact of Prescription Drug Abuse

Zeyad.M.Alsharif, Loai.T.Alharbi, Majed.O.Alharbi, Basim.S.Alsurihi, Fahad.M.Alotaibi, Ali.A.Alzahrani, Mohammed.S.Alkhuzaee, Hassan.A.Alsahabi, Ahmad.A.Bazaid, Khaled.M.Almehmadi

The Effect of Disposal of Expired Medicines on the Environment

Mohammed.M.Altuwirqi, Khalid.O.Alotaibi, Khalid.A.Haddadi, Abdulrahim.D.Althobaiti, Hussain.A.Alsharif, Mrwan.I.Alqurashi, Sayyaf.K.Almabadi, Abdulaziz.I.Asiri, Yasir.O.Buraysali, Mohammed.H.Alsayyali

The Impact of Hepatitis C on Humans

Majed.S.Alshehri, Abdullah.A.Alobylan, Walaa.A.Sadir, Hussam.A.Gindwan, Saifelaslam.K.Basalim, Reem.A.Yajzi,, Nouf.E.Zaidan, Mazin.N.Albogami, Hamamah.M.Alqarni, Badriah.N.Almowallad, Shabeeb.Z.Almutiri

The Importance of Applying Security and Safety Standards in Health Facilities

Ibrahim.M.Alharbi, Khaled.A.Asiri, Ahmed.A.Almishyakhi, Bader.M.Alzahrani, Shaher.H.Alfahmi, Sharaf.S.Alshanbry, Mohammed.A.Alghamdi, Abdullah.I.Asiri, Rayan.M.Alhathla, Majid.T.Alquthami, Yousef. H. Alfahmi, Yahya. A. Alzahrani

The Importance of the Nursing and Medical Records Technician (Health Informatics) in the Medical Files of Patients in Health Sector

Abrar.S.Foudah, Mohammed.H.Faizo, Abdulqadir.Z.Baqadir, Loay.M.Jandali, Abdullah.A.Alsulami, Bassam.A.Alahmadi,, Najeeb.B.Alalawi, Ahmed.H.Aljohani, Sami.M.Alharbi, Areej.L.Almwallad, Abdullah.G.Alahmadi

Approaches to the Relationship Between Audiovisual Content and Social Responsibility Through a Bibliometric Análisis

William Niebles, José Marcelo Torres Ortega, León Arango Buelvas

Research on Bibliometric Approaches: Sustainable Development, Textile Industry, and Technology

William Niebles, José Marcelo Torres Ortega, Hernán Javier Guzmán Murillo