Imaginative Solutions for an Evolving Market: Using the Business Model Canvas to Design Innovative Adult Learning Programs in Thailand
This study investigates how Thai educational establishments can enhance their adult lifelong learning initiatives by implementing the business model canvas. Research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with fifteen administrators and instructors purposively selected from Thai universities, community colleges, and private educational organizations based on their involvement in adult learning programs. Document analysis of course catalogs, marketing materials, and program reports supplemented the interviews. Findings reveal that while institutions are adopting more learner-centered and market-oriented approaches, there is still room for improvement. Less than 15% of Thai adults aged 25-64 participate in formal or non-formal education, compared to over 50% on average across OECD countries. Institutions that have invested in data-driven customer segmentation, career-focused value propositions, online delivery, responsive learner support, alumni engagement, income diversification, and resources for curriculum design and technology reported improved student satisfaction and completion rates. The study emphasizes the importance of partnerships with employers, government, and other stakeholders to enhance program relevance and sustainability. The business model canvas provides a valuable framework for adult learning providers to strategically innovate their programs and position themselves for success in the growing global lifelong learning market.