Investigating the Impact of Digital Banking Applications on Customer Satisfaction within the Iraqi Banking Sector: A Case Study of Rafidain Bank
Our research examined interviews with customers of Rafidain Bank using a document analysis technique. Thirteen bank customers participated in this study, which was conducted voluntarily on October 20, 2024. In our research, frequency analysis, one of the types of content analysis, was used, and a second reading was carried out within this framework. The data obtained in the study were deciphered and evaluated using the qualitative data analysis program "Maxqda 18". In this context, from the literature review conducted using the closed code system, "themes" and "sub-themes" were revealed. In the next stage, the open-source system checked these "themes" and "sub-themes" again. The interviews were recorded on voice recorders and then translated into written text. In line with the request from the participants, a form containing the essential questions to be asked in the interview was given to the participants before the interview. The first part of the form, which consists of two parts, had questions to access the customers' information. In the second part, there were questions to reveal how they perceive digital banking and their experiences. Within the framework of the survey questions, common themes in the participants' perceptions were shown with the help of questions organized by taking into account four dimensions: "Components of digital banking, measures for the implementation of digital banking, successful implementation of digital banking and its results." As a result of the analysis of the data obtained in the research, it is emphasized that the infrastructure should be strengthened, the ATM devices should be increased, and the risks that may arise should be eliminated by making legal regulations.